Anyway, Graham just continues to change and grow every day. He's solidly sucking his thumb now (hooray!) and grabbing and holding onto things and laughing this very bizarre deep-throated "heh huh heh" whenever he grabs my hair. He's sitting up better than ever (propped in my lap, but not all slouchy like he has been until this point), and is even turning his head when he hears my voice. His grandparents (dad's side) are coming this weekend (also hooray!) and I think Grandma Lorraine is going to flip out when she sees how big and smart he is. I was looking at old pictures the other day and I just couldn't believe how much he has grown already. I can't imagine him crawling and walking and running, but I know it's right around the corner.
So, since it's been forever (a whole week!) without new pictures, here you go:
So, since it's been forever (a whole week!) without new pictures, here you go:
Graham concentrating really hard on his new toy:

Looking very dapper in the new Tybee Island onesie Grandma Big K and Grandpa JSpen sent:

And being a bit of a mess after we tried to do handprints and footprints last night. Maybe we should have done that when he was a little less mobile?