Look, Graham is a big boy now! In his big boy carseat! I admit I cried a little. My mom and I have both said, weepingly, "it's like when Anne shortened Jem's nightgowns! Bwaaaaaaaaa!"
Look! I totally didn't take this picture! But my friend K. did, and it is wicked cute and foretells a future for Graham as a drum-circle hippie.

Lastly (and to bring it back to the title of this post), Graham has been sick the past couple days. And of course, I have no laundry done, no food ready, no nothing and he wants to be held 24-7. So I broke down and picked up some Gerber food. And oh my word, you could not imagine the look of disgust on his face. He is an organic, homemade baby food ess-en-oh-bee-SNOB. Which, kind of makes me sad, because I have a serious, not-so-secret love for generic food. I was really hoping someday I could bring him to work and say something to the effect of "Welcome, my son. This? This is CAFETERIA FOOD. Behold, and be thankful." Now he'll just turn up his privileged, adorable little nose at me. They grow up so fast, don't they?
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