So! I owe some Grahambo photos. He's doing tremendously well - talking like crazy, loving and snuggling and going at his own sweet pace on some other things, like, oh, walking. You take your time, buddy. I could use some sciatica to go with my stomach flu. I kid!

(although, let's be truthful - Joe totally played it more than Graham did)

he was shocked by the coldness of the ice cream, and was so tired by the time
we got to cake he basically put his head down on his high chair and went to sleep
So, I'd like to make some promises about more frequent posts, but I am headed into 3 weeks on the pediatric intensive care unit, so those promises would probably all be lies. But then I am on (essentially) vacation for two weeks, so, fingers crossed! Much love to you all.
Sarah! he is just beautiful..I am sorry I missed you guys when you came to the Cape..but I did catch up with your mom at my shower.
Sounds like you are VERY busy!!!
Good luck with everything and take care of yourself!!!!
so, so , so, so glad you're back! I love seeing pictures of little Graham!
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